ArcGIS Online & Mobile GIS

Service Description


Benefits of the Course

► Participants will gain knowledge of basic concepts surrounding GIS and geospatial data
► Participants will be able to use ArcGIS Online to load & view data
► Participants will be able to use ArcGIS Online to symbolize, style and label data, popups, and create a map
► Participants will be able to use ArcGIS Online to subset data and use some spatial analysis  tools
► Participants will be aware of Map & Data Library services and know where to go for more  help.

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Our main agenda is promotion of ICT and Telecom standards through facilitation of various forums (Conferences, Seminars and Capacity Building Programmes) meant to equip the industry players with relevant and up-to-date information vital to the sound management of organizations through application of the modern ICT in various business sectors.